Wednesday, 30 October 2013

US Tour

Visiting the different churches on our US tour at the beginning of the month was a great blessing. We met friends and made new ones, and shared short, but beautiful moments with brothers and sisters. 

A wonderful thing that happens when you're part of the family of God is that we can travel many miles from home, and meet friends whom we have never met before, and share many things in common!

We were blessed by the churches we visited, and trust they were blessed as well. 

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Otter Lake Program

We were blessed to share a few songs with the Otter Lake Mennonite Church at their evening song service on August 25th. It was a wonderful time of sharing encouragement with them, and worshiping the Lord! Outside, the power of nature was expressing its fury through rain and lightning, and inside the Spirit was showing His power in the hearts of all who were present.

Thank you Otter Lake church for letting us be part of your service in this way!

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Thank you!

We would like to thank each of you who have shared your words of encouragement, or have expressed how our songs have blessed you. We thank God for voices to sing, and opportunities to share the Gospel in this way.

Christian music has several purposes: to glorify God, to praise and worship Him, to encourage and admonish other Christians. We want to give God the honor and glory for what He does through us. All that we can say and do is a result of His awesome work in our hearts.

Please check out our two recordings on the left panel.

God bless you!